"Until you’ve suffered a serious loss of property, you don’t realize how important it is to have your home well documented."
~ John G., Insurance Broker, Calabasas
"People are quick to say that their unlisted jewelry doesn’t have any value, but 30-40 pieces at a even a few hundred dollars each can quickly add up to a lot of money. Video documentation is about the only way most people would have any hope of remembering what they had after a major loss. Richard's thorough and professional documentation services are something I recommend to all of my clients."
~Duff Hufford, Owner, Huffords Jewelry, St. Louis
"Richard was totally professional, thoughtful, and thorough, and provided us with a valuable service. Since we lived in Northridge at the time of the “94 earthquake, we fully understand the importance of having a detailed record of all our valuables and the everyday items if we ever had to replace them. Unfortunately, without Richard's services, most people, including us, just talk about keeping such a video record."
~ Richard Sherman, The Oaks, Calabasas
"An insurance company recently questioned a burglary claim from one of my clients who was claiming a rather unique piece of artwork but had no images of it. Likewise, another client was burglarized and the adjuster asked for proof of what he thought were “out of the ordinary” items. This is exactly what Richard's services are great for."
~Matthew Sadowsky, Sadowsky Insurance Services, Simi Valley
"Richard’s experience as a photographer gave our documentation exactly the detail we needed. We provide security for many expensive homes and highly recommend Richard’s documentation to our clients. He is meticulous and professional in every way."
~Joel and Maria Arroyo, Plaza Lock & Key, Encino
"We discovered after being burglarized, that we really didn’t know what we had. The police and our insurance company both asked us for model numbers, serial numbers and detailed descriptions of what was taken. Richard’s technique for documenting covered all of this, unfortunately it was after we had been robbed, not before."
~John P, Thousand Oaks
"We used Richard to document my parents' home before they passed away. His professional demeanor put them completely at ease while recording their belongings. My siblings and I were able to easily distribute their items while viewing Richard’s thorough work in three different states with all of us literally on the same page. "
~Roger H, Kansas City
"Richard produced some of the best pictures I've ever used on a leased property. He has a great eye for composition and mixing light sources to give a completely natural look and feel to a home."
~Steve Tipp, Realtor, Sotheby's Calabasas
"Richard was able to capture in his photographs the essence of the feeling we wanted to express to our clients about our creative spaces on our printed material and website. Our mix stages never looked so good. Thank you, Richard!"
~Ben Benedetti, Senior Vice President
Westwind Media, Burbank
"I have been in the insurance business for 10 years. This is a no brainer; had Richard document my own home. The best way to make a claim is to show what you had before you get burned out of your home and all of your contents. This is a must do."
~Craig Phelps
Searchlight Insurance Services, Topanga